During the end of the school year ceremony at the School in Bukwałd on June 24, 2022, the Mayor of the Dywity Commune – Daniel Zadworny informed the parents of children attending the Primary School in Bukwałd and the local community invited to this ceremony about the funding obtained for the project entitled Comprehensive thermal modernization of the buildings of the Primary School in Bukwałd and the Primary School in Spręców from the funds of the EEA FM 2014-2021 and the commencement of the project implementation. The mayor discussed in detail the scope of works planned for the school in Bukwałd and the educational activities planned as part of the project. The School Principal, Mrs. Anna Zduńczyk, presented a preliminary plan for organizing classes for students of grades IV – VIII in a temporary location in the Memorial Hall. Maria Zientara-Malewska in Brąswałd and assured that the implementation of the core curriculum and the safety of students would not be threatened.
The ceremony was posted on our municipal Facebook page.
The ceremony, along with information about the project, was also broadcast on local television.